Game Freak, the developer behind the Pokémon franchise, has partnered with Western publisher Take-Two Interactive to create a new action-adventure game, Project Bloom. The game will be published under Take Two's Private Division label and promises a "bold and tonally different" experience compared to Game Freak's previous titles. Concept artwork for Project Bloom, illustrated by Kazuma Koda, a renowned artist known for his work on games like Nier: Automata, Bayonetta 2, Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu!, and Fire Emblem: Three Houses, has been released. The image depicts a lone warrior in a swampy forest, dressed in traditional Japanese attire and wielding a sword. Surrounding the warrior is a flurry of spores or fireflies, possibly alluding to the project's name. Scheduled for release during Take-Two Interactive's 2026 fiscal year, running from April 1, 2025 to March 31, 2026, Project Bloom is eagerly anticipated. Kota Furushima, director at Game Freak, expressed e...
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